Jul 1Liked by Matthew Poburyny

Dude, your work is getting even better?! I am floored with the images in this issue, man. Holy shit! They are next level for sure..and that’s not to downplay the projects you’ve accumulated over the past few years.

Our next photo/life-chat will be about 12 hours long so get ready 😉

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Jul 2Liked by Matthew Poburyny

also, congrats on the move with your wife today! That’s huge and i’m sure you two are so relieved..

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My dude it is going to be a photo marathon haha! Started moving in today but the former tenant left the place a mess so I have a lot of cleaning and dealing with the property management to do, but whatever, my wife is back Saturday and that's all I care about my friend!

And thank you!!! That means a lot, I always hope to be evolving so this insight is very reassuring.

I saw a Stephen Shore interview this morning where he met Ansel Adams and his first show at MOMA and they went to dinner and Ansel Adams said to Stephen that he had been repeating himself for the last 40 years and that made Stephen want to constantly check himself to make sure he wasn't repeating himself.

Not saying either or is bad or good, but I would like to feel that as I go I evolve, even if just slightly.

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Jul 3Liked by Matthew Poburyny

Matthew, for me photography was and is always about happiness. Nothing more or less. That has to be the ultimate goal. If you achieve that you have true love.

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I wouldn't dare disagree 😊

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Jul 2Liked by Matthew Poburyny

Wow, four moves in a year sounds exhausting! I hope you will settle now for a bit longer. Can’t wait to see your zines. I am sure they will be amazing. All the best to you and your future endeavors. And I totally agree with the quote at the beginning. Photographs is a lot about thinking! Thank you for sharing. I started watching Stefan Frank a few months ago and really enjoyed the few videos I watched.

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Oh cool, yeah I like his show a lot, it's good fun and interesting! And thank you, I hope so to but we shall see haha.

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Jul 1Liked by Matthew Poburyny

Enjoyed this. Thanks for the Stefan Frank link, this is new to me and looks like a good way to spend a few hours

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I hope you enjoy!

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Jun 30Liked by Matthew Poburyny

Great shots. I like the upper horizon with the blurry branches.

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Thank you, experimenting with long exposures in direct sunlight.

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Jun 30Liked by Matthew Poburyny

As always with your newsletters, Matt, I’ve learned about some new-to-me artists, been inspired by your ongoing projects, and admired your images. Good luck with your move tomorrow! Glad to hear you guys are getting resettled.

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Thanks Bruce, always happy to hear I can help show new artists to people!

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Jun 30Liked by Matthew Poburyny

What an insane year y’all have had! When I read you moved back north, I assumed a you had separated from your wife. I’m certain there was plenty of difficult drama being four moves in twelve months, but I’m happy to hear that a divorce was not among that list. Take care and keep shooting. Hopefully things settle down when you have a place of y’all’s own.

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Thanks, and no, we are as strong as ever despite things not going the way we had hoped with the move and all.

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